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Taking Care Products by Julie

Taking Care Products are my own handmade natural and organic products.

Julie Micali
Julie Micali, founder
“My mission is to provide personal use products that are pure, organic, affordable, & safe for us and for our environment.”  Julie Micali

I find there is something so completely satisfying about making something by hand and then actually USING it. It may be only a temporary feeling of self-sufficiency and independence, but I like it! Years ago, I loved to dabble in making or growing my own every day needs. And I do still garden. I loved the idea of the ingredients being free from unnecessary chemicals. Being "clean." But, without internet back then, my resources were limited and so was my time, with raising two boys and teaching school. As a result, those ventures were often short lived.

Fast forward to the age of the internet, grown children, and part-time teaching as a substitute, I now have time and access to nearly infinite resources. I am able to find organic, pure, & natural ingredients that are affordable & accessible, as well as all sorts of needed supplies. I dove back in.

In my research, I found the idea of solid lotion. I loved the concept and was curious about how effective and useful it could be. I worked on this product, adjusted, and sampled a few formulas. Then I landed on one I absolutely loved! And with that my Taking Care Products, by Julie was born.